Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Don't let money make you

Don't let money make you
June 18, 2014 at 9:43am

Ladies and Gentlemen Do Not let this define who you are. Stay true to yourself. Don't let the money make you, Make the money. Know who you are without it. However it will make your life a little easier. The Devil has a strange way of making you think that this will make you "The Man" "The Person" Guess What? It won't!!!!! Permanently! This will only relieve the pain temporary. You will begin to rott from the inside out trying to get it, and not know why. You will need more $$$ and begin to make up more stories to camouflage who you really are. Color contacts, retro sneakers, designer brands, shades, weave, fake nails, cars etc. You will become a materialistic, and not being able to live without it. You will need this to throw other person off from seeing who you really are. Beauty is skin deep and comes from within. One day you will look into your eyes in the mirror and realize that you have lost your soul. There will be nothing there. You will loose morals and ethics. You will actually hate yourself and NOT know it. Bitterness will live deep within you. You will begin to lie and cheat. You will begin to fabricate stories to gain attention to get it. Losing control of your life. You will loose your actual worth by camouflage, becoming fake. You will loose family and friends. The devil will make you cut off all the people who know the real you because you have created a person who isn't really you. Fake. You're lost. The person that the devil wants you to be. You have sold your soul. At the end of the day you will realize that it wasn't worth it. You have actually lost yourself trying to be someone else. You will begin to be the problem instead of the solution. Even going trough the motions trying to look like someone else and bragging about it. Stay true to yourself. Be you, not the make up. Don't forget where you came from. Don't burn your bridges because you may need someone to send you a boat.
Money is the root of all evil..... It's only paper. Remember time waits for no one.

Good Morning Everybody
-Peggy Foxx
Music by @billyblue305

Real Self

Real Self
June 18, 2014 at 9:33am

Don't ever forget where you came from. Your Life begins with your first breath. Live your life to the fullest and be the best you can possibly be. Don't make up some lame excuses to not staying connected to YOURSELF. Your REAL SELF. You can NOT change your DNA. Stop trying to be somebody that you're NOT. You are NOT the clothes on your back, the shoes or the make up that you wear. You are YOU in the flesh. When you look in the mirror make sure that you can live with your everyday decisions. Don't live your entire life living a lie. Don't wait until its to late to find yourself and continue to be a walking zombie. #beyourself not who you think others want you to be. Remember.... You're real worth is what you see in the mirror alone naked. That will be what you take to your grave. When you die you will return to where you came from. Don't forget it!